
About Station


   这里是我的个人简历: 王道熙的个人简历
   Here is my resume: biography of Daoxi

   Recently, because this page is too long, it needs to be reorganized. All articles are being classified. I will update them gradually. I hope you can understand.

   由于更新网页散布于许多子连结中,如果大家担心会遗漏一些新文章, 读者可以使用这个网站https://github.com/DaoXi-d-X,我将所有的页面的内容和源码公开于此, 这样随时就可以看到我的最新更新文章,也对前端语言学习会有更进一步了解。感谢大家对我的支持与鼓励 。
   Since the update page is scattered among many sub-links, if you are worried that some new articles will be missed, Readers can use this websitehttps://github.com/DaoXi-d-X,I will make the content and source code of all pages publicly available here.In this way, you can see my latest updated articles at any time, and you will have a better understanding of front-end language learning. Thank you for your support and encouragement.

   本人之网站设立于美国,受到美国联邦知识产权法的保护,请尊重知识产权 ,本网页中有应用到的新闻报道部分,其所有著作权均属于原媒体单位的,本人是引用它来做为评论之依据,所有评论部分是属于本人之知识产权。 本人的作品如果受到侵害,将依法提出追究。 任何人使用本人之知识 , 但是必须注明出处 , 窃取本人之专业知识据为己有 , 为违反知识产权法 , 本人将追究其刑事责任 , 绝不姑息养奸 , 请勿以身试法 , 如果你想引用本网站之文章,著作权皆属本人所有,任何人作文字转载或网站转贴,均须经【本人同意】。
    My website is established in the United States and is protected by federal intellectual property laws.Please respect intellectual property rights. There is a coverage section applied in this webpage, and all copyrights belong to the original media unit.I am quoting it as the basis for my comments, and all comments are my intellectual property rights. If my work is infringed, I will be prosecuted according to law. Anyone who uses my knowledge must indicate the source and steal my professional knowledge as their own. In order to violate the intellectual property law, I will investigate their criminal responsibility. I will never tolerate rape. Please do not try the law by yourself. If you want to quote articles on this website, the copyright belongs to me. Anyone who reprints or reposts on the website must obtain [my consent].

    如果您在浏览阅读的过程中发现错误,还请您积极留言指正,我的个人邮箱为: [email protected]如果您有好的想法愿意与我共图一番伟大事业,也希望您能与我取得联系,我们一起为中华文明之发展贡献力量。
    If you find mistakes in the process of browsing and reading, please leave a positive message to correct, my personal email is: [email protected].If you have good ideas and are willing to work with me for a great cause, I hope you can get in touch with me, and we will contribute to the development of Chinese civilization together.

——2023.8.11  D_x记于苏州  
——2023.8.11  D_x in Suzhou  


世界在坠落  玫瑰在枯萎  但浪漫永存  浪漫 至 死 不 渝

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作者(Author):D_x Copyright © D_x.