1.1 什么是外汇

1.1 What is Forex


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关键词 keyword


    Forex, trading, currencies, USD, GBP, JPY, exchange rate, major currency pairs, minor currency pairs, currency exchange, platforms, technical analysis


    对话提供了外汇交易的概述,通过强调其庞大的规模和持续的活动,将其与股市交易进行了对比。 它将外汇交易描述为基本上购买一种货币,同时出售另一种货币,并从波动的货币价值中获得盈利。 关键的一点是,由于交易的巨大规模和市场固有的复杂性,交易者有必要理解汇率,这可能会导致操纵和定价方面的困难。针对新手了解外汇交易的基本原则,包括如何管理资本和选择合适的交易平台,如MetaTrader 5和IG。 讨论的一个关键方面是使用符号来表示不同的货币,例如 “NZD” 代表新西兰元。 重点放在主要货币上,如美元、欧元、日元和英镑,以及货币对的概念 -- 一起交易的组合。 此外,对话深入探讨了更详细的交易概念,强调了识别基础和报价货币、了解主要和次要货币对及其对交易决策的影响的重要性。 技术分析被认为是至关重要的,建议初学者从次要货币对开始,因为它们的交易量较小,风险较低,因此非常适合进行初步实践。

    The dialogue provides an overview of Foreign Exchange (Forex) trading, contrasting it with stock market trading by underscoring its massive scale and constant activity. It outlines Forex trading as essentially purchasing one currency while simultaneously selling another, with profitability derived from the fluctuating currency values. A critical note is made about the necessity for traders to comprehend exchange rates, due to the vast sizes of trades and the complexities inherent in this market, which can lead to difficulties in manipulation and pricing.

章节速览chapter snapshot

    00:00 了解和交易外汇基础知识

    00:00 Understanding and Trading Forex Basics

    对话介绍了外汇交易的基础知识,强调了其与股票市场相比的规模和动态。 它强调了货币交易的基本性质,即买入一种货币同时卖出另一种货币,盈利潜力基于货币价值的变动。 讨论还涵盖了理解汇率的重要性以及外汇市场中涉及的巨大交易量,强调由于其复杂性和操纵性,需要仔细导航。

    The dialogue introduces the basics of Forex trading, emphasizing its size and dynamics compared to stock markets. It highlights the fundamental nature of currency trading as buying one currency while simultaneously selling another, with the profit potential being based on the movement of currency values. The discussion also covers the importance of understanding exchange rates and the huge trading volumes involved in the Forex market, stressing the need for careful navigation due to its complexity and manipulation.

    06:01 外汇交易: 了解货币和平台

    06:01 Forex Trading: Understanding Currencies and Platforms

    本对话向初学者介绍外汇交易,强调保护资本和选择合适平台的重要性。 它解释了货币市场的交易,而不是单个公司或股票的交易,专注于流行的外汇平台,如MetaTrader 5和IG。 符号用于表示货币,例如新西兰元的NZD。 主要货币,包括美国。 讨论了美元、欧元、日元和英镑,以及正在交易的货币对的概念。

    This dialogue introduces beginners to Forex trading, emphasizing the importance of preserving capital and choosing suitable platforms. It explains trading in currency markets rather than individual companies or stocks, focusing on popular Forex platforms like MetaTrader 5 and IG. Symbols are used to represent currencies, with examples like NZD for the New Zealand dollar. Major currencies, including the U.S. Dollar, Euro, Japanese Yen, and British Pound, are discussed, along with the concept of currency pairs being traded.

    08:32 导航货币对: 基础知识和交易策略

    08:32 Navigating Currency Pairs: Basics and Trading Strategies

    本对话介绍了货币交易的基本概念,强调了理解基础和报价货币、主要和次要货币对及其交易影响的重要性。 它涵盖了货币交换的动态,技术分析的重要性,并建议初学者从较小的货币对开始,因为它们的风险和交易量较低。

    This dialogue introduces the fundamental concepts of currency trading, emphasizing the significance of understanding base and quote currencies, major and minor currency pairs, and their trading implications. It covers the dynamics of currency exchanges, the importance of technical analysis, and suggests starting with minor currency pairs for beginners due to their lower risks and trading volumes.

要点回顾Key points, review


    1.What is the fundamental concept of forex trading?

    外汇交易涉及在货币对中从一种货币兑换为另一种货币。 目标是预测货币对市场走势的方向,如果您的假设是正确的,这可能会导致利润。

    Forex trading involves the exchange of one currency for another in a currency pair. The objective is to predict the direction of market movement in a currency pair, which can lead to profit if your hypothesis is correct.


    2.How does the forex market compare to the stock market in terms of size and manipulation?

    外汇市场比股票市场大得多,也更容易被操纵。 这是一个价值万亿美元的行业,每天都有更高的交易量,吸引了许多鲨鱼,这使得交易者保护自己的资本变得至关重要。

    The forex market is significantly larger and more manipulated than the stock market. It is a trillion-dollar industry with far higher trading volumes daily, attracting many sharks and making it crucial for traders to protect their capital.


    3.Which currencies are commonly referred to as the major currencies?

    通常所指的主要货币包括美元 (USD) 、欧元 (EUR) 、日元 (JPY) 和英镑 (GBP)。

    The major currencies commonly referred to include the US dollar (USD), the euro (EUR), the Japanese yen (JPY), and the Great British pound (GBP).


    4.Why is it important to understand currency pairs in forex trading?

    理解货币对在外汇交易中至关重要,因为所有货币交易都是成对进行的,货币对的价格是所涉及的两种货币的汇率。 知道如何阅读和解释货币对,有助于交易者做出明智的交易决策。

    Understanding currency pairs is crucial in forex trading because all currency trading is conducted in pairs, and the price of a currency pair is the exchange rate of the two currencies involved. Knowing how to read and interpret currency pairs helps traders to make informed trading decisions.


    5.How are currency pairs defined and what is the base currency and counter currency?

    货币对是通过一种货币与另一种货币的交易形成的,其中一种货币是基础货币,另一种是相对货币。 基础货币是您在交易时买入的货币,相对货币是您卖出的货币。

    Currency pairs are formed by trading one currency against another, where one currency is the base currency and the other is the counter currency. The base currency is the currency you buy when you trade and the counter currency is the currency you sell.


    6.What are major and minor currency pairs, and how do they differ?

    主要货币对由流动性最强、交易最广泛的货币组成,通常包括美元、欧元、日元和英镑。 另一方面,小货币对的交易量较少,并且往往具有较小的市场交易量。 它们通常涉及来自新兴经济体或不那么突出的贸易集团的货币。

    Major currency pairs consist of the most liquid and widely traded currencies, typically including the US dollar, euro, Japanese yen, and Great British pound. Minor currency pairs, on the other hand, are less traded and tend to have smaller market volumes. They often involve currencies from emerging economies or less prominent trading blocs.


    7.Why is starting with minor currency pairs recommended for new traders?

    对于新交易者,建议从次要货币对开始,因为与主要货币对相比,它们风险更低,市场波动性更低。 这使新交易者能够熟悉交易概念并发展他们的技能,而不会受到与主要货币对相关的快速价格波动和更高风险的影响。

    Starting with minor currency pairs is recommended for new traders because they have lower risk and less market volatility compared to major currency pairs. This allows new traders to familiarize themselves with trading concepts and develop their skills without the rapid price movements and higher risks associated with major currency pairs.


    8.Which currency pair is considered the second most traded in the world?

    世界上第二大交易货币对是GBPJPY (英镑兑日元),由于其频繁的价格波动,被认为是高波动性货币对。

    The second most traded currency pair in the world is the GBPJPY (British pound versus Japanese yen), which is considered a high-volatility pair due to its frequent price swings.

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——2024.5.7  D_x记于苏州  
——2024.5.7  D_x in Suzhou  

世界在坠落  玫瑰在枯萎  但浪漫永存  浪漫 至 死 不 渝

The world is falling  The roses are withering  But the romance lives on  THE ROMANCE NEVER DEATH

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